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Thursday, 5 April 2012

Evaluation Question 2

How Does Your Media Product Represent Particular Social Groups?

Stereotypical Teen
To start off, like common slasher films, our film uses different stereotypes of character In our film opening. So we decided to change things up with our film and have a scream king instead of a scream queen as common in these films. Our scream king portrays many stereotypical traits of teenagers in horror films and most films in general. 

His clothing first of all is the common jenes and hoodie which signifies  him being antisocial and is stereotypical of teens as a whole. The general theme in most films is to make teens look bad. The fact he is holding a beer bottle in the first scene anchors this point made earlier. This also ties into the moral code as all these stereotypes make the character seem immoral. 

The guy playing the scream queen isn't common however his blond hair a moral code means the audience isn't alienated by this change and fans of the genre will still be able to see how things are going to play out. The only other character shown in the opening sequence is the killer who also has most of the common slasher stereotypes in terms of clothing and weapon used. The killer uses a kitchen knife which is commonly seen in these films.
The Killer In Our Film
Micheal Myers In Halloween

The target audience we aimed this film at is ages 15-24. Our film contains some strong violence however it is not prolonged. Our film doesn't contain any features which would lead to the intro being rated an 18 on BBFC. We also chose the characters to specifically help our target audience relate to the characters involves in the intro. 

Our film doesn't do anything to try and appeal to different ethnicity. Our main character is a Caucasian male and the other character the killer, is disguised and enigma is maintained. 

Our film may target more female due to the male character being killed as a change to the standard convention is slasher films. There is isn't anything apart from the violence to appeal to the male audience, their is no scream queen who appeals to the male gaze in the intro. Regional identity is not obviously shown however there are signifies of a rural location which is often stereotypical of the north. There is little dialogue in our opening so there is no clear accent to hear. The fact that our film doesn't try to appeal to specific audiences might give it an advantage in appeal to a wider audience. 

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