Slasher films often have very low budgets from what films i've analysed so far. For example the famous Halloween had a budget of $350,000 and Firday the 13th Had an estimated budget of $550,000 which is very little compared too most hollywood blockbusters. These films in comparison too there bidgets made massive ammouts of money at the box office, Friday the 13th made almost $40,000,000 at the box office and Halloween made $47,000,000 in the USA alone with a further $13,000,000in Europe. These film went to show the money making potential of the slasher film and so sparked a trend of new low budget horror film which went on to make big money such as: Nightmare on Elm street, My bloody Valentine and more recently films such and Scream and Final Destination. The sort of distributors that go for slasher films are smaller and independent Film distributors. However big company such as Lions gate and New line cinema have supported films like Saw and Texas chainsaw massacre. larger film companies such as Universal Pictures and Columbia Pictures tend to shy away and dont invest in slasher films possibly due to there un glamorous look and contraversy that can come with a slasher film.
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