Hi, Welcome to my blog. Here this will take you through the adventures of Stratus Cinema and our working title Underground.

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Evaluation Question 1 - Draft

So the main point to which our media product challenges conventions of a film of this genre is using 'scream king' Rather than a 'scream queen'. We chose this as we thought it would be good to switch up the roles in this slasher as our origional idea was to have a female killer. Our film opening also builds on alot of current slasher concepts such as the isolated setting and the killing style and weapon. We have also used things like blue colour correction the emulate John Carpenters blue tinted lighting in the famous Halloween. We use plenty of tracking shots and point of view shots to keep tension up and we have also tryed to keep a narrative enigma when it comes to the killer and motive. That is overall how our film uses slasher conventions.

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