A Nightmare On Elm Street
The film franchise I'm researching is the Nightmare on Elm Street franchise. The franchise consists of nine slasher films, a television show, novels, and Comic books. These nine consist of:
A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) Budget: 1.8 Million, Box Office: 26.3 Million, Director: Wes Craven, IMDB Rating: 7.4, Trailer.
A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge (1985) Budget: 3 Million, Box Office 30 Million, Director: Jack Sholder, IMDB Rating: 4.9
A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors (1987) Budget: 4.5 Million, Box Office 44.7 Million, Director: Chuck Russel, IMDB Rating: 6.3
A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master (1988) Budget 13 Million, Box Office 49 Million, Director: Renny Harlin, IMDB Rating: 5.3
A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child (1989) Budget 8 Million, Box Office 22 Million, Director: Stephen Hopkins, IMDB Rating: 4.7
Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare (1991) Budget 11 Million, Box Office 34.8 Million, Director: Rachel Talalay, IMDB Rating: 4.6
Wes Craven's New Nightmare (1994) Budget 8 Million, Box Office 18 Million, Director: Wes Craven, IMDB Rating: 6.3
Freddy vs. Jason (2003) Budget 30 Million, Box Office 115 Million, Director: Ronny Yu, IMDB Rating: 5.7
A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010) 35 Million, Box Office 115.6 Million: Samuel Bayer, IMDB Rating: 5.1, Trailer.
Variety: A highly imaginative horror film that provides the requisite shocks to keep fans of the genre happy.
Empire: What makes Freddy truly terrifying, and an inspired invention on Craven's part, is that he exists not in the real world but in the shadowy realm of dreams.
Film4: It succeeds by preying on archetypal fears and imagery - the myth of the bogeyman, the power of the unconscious conjuring up the worst horrors imaginable.
Horror.com: Seeing the movie again, I was reminded that while the Krueger character did have some taunting, humorous dialogue, it was more eerie than funny. Krueger was truly a menacing, terrifying boogeyman in the beginning.
Cinema Crazed: An imaginative, menacing, and scary film with top notch performances, an original premise, and horrifying villain.
Budget/Box Office Analysis:
Over all the films before the Remake and Freddy vs Jason the budget has been relativly low and all the films appear to have made substantial profits which would indicate why they countinued the franchise to nine films. There was a substantial gap in between the first seven films and the last two films which are the spin-off and the remake. The Remake however got quite negative reviews to do with acting and the fact that it seemed like a schedualed corperate rerun and that it had all been seen before. Where as the origional has been generally very well recieved and has remained a classic in may peoples eyes. This goes to show that a big budget dosent nessacerilly make a better film.
Comparison of the origional and remake:
■Freddy Krueger was not a child murderer but a convicted child molester with sexual attractions to the Nancy and her friends of the remake
■There is two more elm street children then originally now being Dean Russell and Marcus Yeon
■The film features a blogging nightmare capturing computer technology
■Nancy's mother's demise was not the fiery suffocation of the original nor the jump sequence pull in through the 1428 house front door but rather a complete eye socket stab with the glove and pull back into mirror behind her
■Kris Fowles the character equivalent of Tina Grey dreams not of a long armed Freddy pursuing her from her house street and pulling her back into the trash cans which becomes the under of the bed she is sleeping in sheets, but rather Freddy having killed her pet dog Rufus and and then she supposedly awakes thinking the nightmare is over only upon getting back to bed to find Freddy lying beside her
■The bathtub sequence having Nancy pulled through a water hole into a deep water ins excluded in exchange of the glover just appearing and leaving upon Nancy's mother's voice
■The group were former victims of Freddy of molestation and all attended the same pre school
■Tina Grey owned no pets
■Rod Lane was missing the knife used to taunt Glen
■The Rod lane equivalent Jesse Braun is friends with Glen equivalent Quentin
■Nancy has an employement
■Theres a Springwood diner introduced
■Theres a dream flashback sequence showing the burning of Freddy which originally was never shown until the sixth instalment
So overall it appears that the sexual content has been upped form the origional as Freedy is now a child molester not a child murderer. I havent seen the films in full but i would presume the gore and violence is increased due to more advanced special effects.
A Nightmare On Elm Streets Effect On The Slasher Genre:
A Nightmare on Elm streets main effect on the slasher genre is the use of a supernatural killer and increasingly graphic and realistic special effects and certain comedic elements. Another film that includes these elements is the Childs Play franchise. The slasher genre reached its peak around the time when the first Nightmare on Elm street came out.
Killer And Weapons:
The main antagonist in a nightmare on elm street is the fictional character Freddy Krueger. He often recognizable for his burnt face, claw like hand and striped jumper. Wes Brown when creating the character stated that he wanted to make the villain memorable as every memorable villain as some sort of outstanding feature. He got the idea of the claw like hand from his cat scratching his sofa. Wes Craven says his inspiration for the basis of Krueger's power stemmed from several stories in the Los Angeles Times about a series of mysterious deaths: All the victims had reported recurring nightmares beforehand about a man named Mr. K., thus the name Fred Krueger, and died in their sleep.
Scream Queen/Final Girl:
The scream queen in this film is Tina Gray and after having sex with her boyfriend is brutally murderd in here sleep which is a common thing to happen to the scream queen as having sex is portrayed as bieng immoral and she is therefore punished for it along with her boyfriend who is sent to jail. Overall there are four victims in the film and one final girl Nancy who succeeds in defeating Freddy Krueger for now that is. As is typical with this sort of film the screem queen is blonde and the final girl is a brunette.
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