So the film starts of with only one company ident which plays for a short time and then goes straight into the opening. Exposision is provided at showing a poster of a circus that is coming to town. The films main theme plays on the fear many people have of clowns. The titles start over an establishing shot of an old mansion and theres a man hung from a tree dead which is a shocking opening image. The music is a mix of creepy and a circus theme which ties in with the title. Also the sound of howling wind creates a tense atmosphere. The camera cuts to the inside of the house as the titles are still playing and pans past some clown related toys with the creepy sound of laughter in the background.
The camera then pans onto a boy who is in bed and gets up and out of bed and looks out the window to see the body swinging in the wind. His face is expressionless and he doesnt seem to phased by the whole thing. He goes down stairs in his pyjamas and short quick sting notes play which ups the tension. He looks down the corridor as if someone is there and begins walking down. The camera comes up behind him from a low angle giving the imprssion he is bieng followed. Then suddenly the poster we saw earlier blow onto the door of the house with a large quick string note giving the auidience a false scare.
The boy has a horrified look on his face as he sees the clown on the poster and then wets himslef whilst standing up. He then quickley wakes up from the dream he was having looking relieved. The camera pans back to the outside of the house where the body was hanging in his dream and it is still there. The scene outside fades into day and the introduction finishes which lasts around 4 minutes.
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